Office Wall Makeover

Office Wall Makeover - Before and After

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What a difference a little paint can make! Just WOW!

This is what the 'office' looked like when we got the keys to move in.

Office wall move in day - Before

We still have a ton to do, floors, take down the paneling, demo the 'Feastmaster'. That's the name of that grill. This used to be outside until they previous owners decided to wall it in and build the garage next door.

Hubby has plans to rebuild the 'Feastmaster' in the backyard. 👍

The mini wall makeover included paint, new blinds, frosted glass door, rug, new door hardware and a smart deadbolt.

All of this wood trim was stained a pretty dark color and I was not about to start sanding.... I used B-I-N Shellac Primer. I had never used this primer before, but it's by Zinnser and they have the best products. This one is for wood that's been stained, so that the stain doesn't come through, and NO sanding required! Yay!

Here is one coat of primer.

First coat of B-I-N Shellac Primer

It was a super thin primer, like it was really watery, but it was easy to use and had pretty good coverage. I didn't notice a strong smell. The only downfall is that you have to clean your brushes with denatured alcohol.

After 2 coats of primer, I started painting. I wasn't sure what 'white' to use.  There are soooooo many and I feel like I've done them all except for bright white. So, I figured let's just make this easy. I picked up a gallon of Behr Marquee Ultra White right off the shelf at Home Depot.  They shook it up for me and I got to work.

3 coats later and there you go! I know that's a lot of coats... but I like my whites to be solid. I don't want it to look like its sheer.

Ultra White Office Wall Makeover

It is amazing what a little bit of paint can do! It just makes the whole space brighter and I haven't even painted the main wall yet.

I ordered the 2" faux wood blinds in white, like I had at the Stonybrook house. You can choose any size at and have them delivered. I had thought about ordering bamboo blinds, but they weren't going to give me the privacy I need at night. These worked out perfect! We love them!

We needed to change out all of the locks in the new house. We wanted them to all have the same key. With these Kwikset Juno SmartKey Lock Set, you can create the same key for all your doors. I really like how the black contrasts on the white door.

August Smart Lock Installed

One of the best things we purchased was the August Smart Lock Pro (3rd Gen). It has made our lives so much easier. Now we don't have to fumble with keys in the rain or in the dark. Plus, what I love is that the smart lock is only on the inside.  From the outside it looks like you have just a regular deadbolt, and you can still use your deadbolt key, if needed. It also works with our Google Home System.

Ooops! I almost forgot about the frosted door project. The previous owner had a roman shade on the door. I didn't want anything banging on the door when opening or closing, but I needed privacy at night. 

I purchased the Frosted Film Static Cling on Amazon. It was pretty easy to apply it. I am so pleased with how it turned out.

Office wall makeover with blinds open

Yes, it was just a mini wall makeover, but it definitely packs a punch and gives me so much inspiration for the rest of the room! The rest of the house!


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