Sunday Style Over 50 - God, Things are getting crazy down here!
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It's getting pretty nuts out there! Am I right?
I just realized that last week, I didn't even say a thing about my outfit... probably because outfits and shopping and all the fun things that spring brings isn't on our minds right now.
So, I won't be sharing any outfit today... For the next couple of weeks we'll be having home church, which is going to be so different than getting together with our church family.
Our minds are preoccupied because, all of a sudden, we might have to work from home, or 'homeschool' our children. It's wondering if you'll have enough food or toilet paper 🤔. Kidding... not kidding??
Things are quickly getting serious in our nation and I'm sure some people are asking....
God, do you see this? Why is this happening? Why aren't you protecting us? How much worse is it going to get? Are we going to make it through this?
Personally, I really thought I was prepared for this 'self' quarantine... Nope! Mike, (my hubby) has to work. He's a truck driver and delivers organic food to grocery stores. He takes his lunch everyday. Do you realized how difficult it is to find a place to grab lunch that you can park an 18 wheeler? Then along with that, you have to time it just right with mandatory breaks at certain times? It's just a whole lot easier for him to take his lunch.
Anyways, I realized I didn't have enough food to make his lunches... then it occurred to me, I didn't have any meat in the house! What is wrong with me? I guess my mind has been on other things....
So, knowing I was going to have to venture out to a store the next day... I didn't sleep well that night. I was nervous about going to the store. The next morning, I had to tell myself to STOP IT! Stop worrying!! This whole thing was making me pretty anxious, and I'm not usually an anxious person!
Where is my faith? Where is my trust and in Who? I have been a Christ follower for over 30 years, and I was letting the events of the day take over my faith...
I believe that God Almighty placed the stars in the sky along with the sun and the moon, and that He keeps the oceans in place and created this magnificent planet we live on. I believe that none of this caught Him by surprise. He isn't overwhelmed or anxious about the events going on today. He is in complete control, and that my friends, is what gives me faith.
Faith is trusting in something you can't see, that is bigger than you are. It's trusting in the God of the universe that is holding your entire world in His hand.
Hebrews 11: 1 Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
That entire chapter of Hebrews is filled with great examples of faith. Today is the day I need to walk in my faith, this is where the rubber meets the road.
I will trust in Jesus Christ. He is the only One I can count on. I will not walk in fear.
1 John 4:18a There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.
Perfect love drives out fear. His love for me is perfect. He will take care of me. If I get sick, it will be because He allowed it. And if He allowed it, then He will take care of me. Seriously, what is the worst that can happen? I will be with Him, either way.
A sweet dear friend of mine from church is 91. She was in the hospital for a procedure a couple of weeks ago, and our pastor stopped by to pray with her. She told our pastor, "Either way I'm going home.... I'm either going home to my apartment, or going home to be with Jesus. I'm good either way!"
Oh, Lord, help me have that peace and joy! Right now, I'm needing to remind myself of His perfect love everyday.
Does the Lord see what's going on?
Yes, and He cares deeply. His word says he cares for us.
Luke 12:22-26 22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
Why is this happening?
Only He knows. And I don't have to know everything, just that I am in the palm of His hand and He will care for me.
Is He going to protect us?
We have no idea what He's ALREADY protected us from throughout our life. We have to stay close to Him. There are no guarantees in this life. You know, that's really what we want... we want no problems, no struggles... we want an easy life. That's not what He promised us. He promised to walk with us.
Psalm 23:4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
Is it going to get worse?
Well, probably... Sticking our head in the sand, isn't going to help anyone. We all have to try and do our part, the best we can. It's not the time to blame anyone or point fingers. Let's try to help one another, love one another, encourage each other, let's do the best we can, in this crazy time.
Are we going to make it through this?
Yes. One way or another. We will make it through.
Today and everyday, I CHOOSE to trust in Jesus. It's a choice we have to make. We can worry, and fret and be miserable, over something we have NO control over... or
We can CHOOSE to trust in the Name that is above All Names. Jesus Christ.
Praying you stay safe and healthy!
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