We had a wonderful time down in Myrtle Beach last week. Sunrises are one of the reasons I LOVE vacationing at the beach. ❤️ They remind me of God's faithfulness, strength, beauty, love, creativity, passion... oh, the list could go on and on and on... He is soooo amazing! I tried to pick my favorite photo to share with you. I took so many!!
Also, I turned 53 while on vacation and had a super fun day at the beach. I even boogie boarded! I felt like I was 10 again! 🤩 We loved chillin' at the beach for the week. The only bummer was we ended up having to cut our vacation a bit short... Hurricane Michael was going to have it's way and rain, rain, rain... with tons of wind. Our prayers have continued to be with all those affected by the hurricane. The devastation is unbelievable. 🙏
We didn't mind coming home early. It gave us the opportunity to unpack and get few things done, before all the kiddos came up on Saturday to celebrate my birthday. 🎂 Yay! I truly have so much to be thankful for. This has been such a terrific year!
Another thing that's been going on....Hubby and I have been reevaluating things lately... thinking a lot about retirement, when and where. We were actually thinking of downsizing and getting a smaller house. But the more we compared costs vs. savings, it didn't look like it would be profitable. We have a great interest rate right now. We have solar panels and haven't had an electric bill in almost 10 years. We compared taxes and all the things that might impact buying a new home. Yes, our house is too big for the 2 of us, but for now we've decided to stay. We both truly love our home. Not that we don't plan on downsizing our 'stuff'! We are still on a mission there!
And that brings up another thing that's been going on.... We FINALLY cleaned a bunch of stuff out of our basement and had a garage sale! What??!! I know! I can't believe that we actually did it! We had the garage sale right before we left for vacation. I felt that if we didn't do it right away, we wouldn't do it at all this year.
It was a TON of work! But soooo worth it! We made a bit of moolah 🤑 and got rid of a ton of stuff! 👍 After the garage sale we boxed up 99.9% of it and took it to the local mission. It doesn't look like this anymore.... No photos, you'll just have to trust me, it looks better!!

We didn't realized how much 'the stuff' was not only cluttering up our house, but cluttering up our minds. We were both so amazed at how good it felt to be rid of the excess. We aren't finished, but feel like we've bit off a big chunk. That amazing feeling of freedom is what's pushing us forward to get rid of more.
Hubby and I both just want things more simple and minimal. Truly 'Less is More'. I love that saying! Here's another good one!
Since we've decided to stay here, that has drastically changed our thinking about projects around the house! We've been in the mindset not to do too much because we might be moving. Now that it looks like we are going to stay until retirement, we want to finish up and redo somethings we've been holding off on. 😊
I didn't realize how paralyzed and restricted I was feeling, until I saw the red light click green. For the last 6 months or so, I've felt like I've been held back with things being so uncertain. Now I feel like the gates have been opened and I'm ready to go! So, you might notice a LOT more going on here.
If you follow me on Instagram Stories, you've already seen a sneak peak of what I've been working on. (click here to see!!) I worked on this room about 5 years ago and never really finished it. That was the old me.... the new me is FINISHING all projects!
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