Life After The Honeymoon
Hi everyone!! I just have to start out with a confession…. I have seriously felt like I’ve had “writer’s block”. I haven’t wanted to sit and write, type or anything else. I don’t know why…It’s just weird. But what’s even weirder is that after I forced myself to sit here and write, I seem to find my groove and go for it. So, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m going to push through! Because I really do enjoy it! So, we are moving on…..
After the honeymoon, we were living in Mike’s parents house. For the time being, his parents were taking care of and staying with Mike’s grandfather, his health wasn’t the best. So, we were actually helping them out. That first year flew by. We were definitely enjoying the honeymoon stage.
I was an administrative assistant, working at World Vision, which is a child sponsorship company, which I really enjoyed! Mike went through a couple of jobs. He sold cars for awhile, and then he worked for an asbestos removal company. But Mike wanted a career, something he could depend on to support us. He wanted direction and security. We began contemplating all of our options and wondering where God was leading us.
One option Mike began to seriously consider, was joining the military. We decided to invite his parents over for dinner to talk with them about this. The military is a big commitment and they weren't actually thrilled with the idea. It’s not that they were against him going into the military, I believe they were just concerned for Mike’s safety. I know his mom was pretty upset about the possibility. His dad proposed another option and asked Mike,”If I can help get you into the Teamsters CDL Training Program, would you consider that instead of the military?” Mike didn’t have any problem making a choice. He wasn’t set on the military, he was just looking for a direction to go in. We believed that if he could get his CDL, then he could definitely find a secure job. This seemed like the right direction God was leading us.
Here's Mike's dad and his concrete mixer truck.
Mike was able to get sponsored for the Teamsters CDL Training Program, by the company his dad worked for. Yay! Thank you, Lord!
Mike went through the training course, got his CDL and was able to start working right away at Livingston-Graham Concrete. He was dispatched out of the Sun Valley Plant, commuting about an hour one way to work. The commuting in Los Angeles can be very draining, but he’s a trooper!! He really enjoyed driving a concrete mixer and had plenty of stories to tell at the end of the day.
One story I will never forget… He was driving a concrete mixer, just like the one above, in Hollywood coming down a very steep street that tee’d at Sepulveda Blvd. He was coming to a red light. Started to brake… NOTHING…He lost his brakes! At that time in the morning it should have been crazy busy. Normally, this intersection would have been backed up with traffic. Mike had a full load of concrete… He had to turn one way or the other…God was with him that morning. At that moment coming downhill with a full load and no brakes, he was going way too fast! He knew he would roll the truck… He was just praying and praying!! There was one truck in the left hand turn lane, other than that, no traffic! In fact there were no cars in any other direction! Mike had to swing right to avoid the truck and turn left in front of it while running the red light! And by some miracle of God, he didn’t roll the truck when he turned! I still can’t believe there were no cars! He had never been so scared in his life! God is real and alive! And this is one of the many reasons I pray for my husband everyday!
That summer after we were married, I took a trip, by myself, to see my sister in Pennsylvania. I had never been there before and it sounded so pretty. It was also so nice to visit my sister and her family. My little nephew had gotten so big! Can you say big 80s hair??
I couldn’t believe how green everything was in the summer! In Los Angeles, the summers are always dry, dirty, and brown. Everything in PA was green, lush, and healthy looking! My sister took me all around the area. We visited Gettysburg and took a tour on one of those double decker buses. It was absolutely beautiful!
I found this picture of the Peace Light Memorial… Little did I know, what God had in store… that one day, we would be enjoying the gorgeous scenery on a regular basis.
We also went to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore and visited the aquarium. Oh yes… that is me rockin’ the fanny pack… what in the world?? What was I thinking?? Fun times!
Married life was great! We were so happy to be together. Before we knew it, we were celebrating our first Christmas! Small beginnings…We didn’t have much but we had each other! That year we picked out a little tiny tree.
We didn’t even have a stand for it yet, so we actually had it sitting in the toilet til we could get one…
Don’t you just love those striped pants?? I know, I know… you’re jealous right??
Then in February, we celebrated our one year anniversary with a fun night on the town. Mike and I got all dressed up and saw our first Broadway Play, Les Misérable, in Beverly Hills. We felt all fancy. It was phenominal! We had an amazing time! My photo organization skills are so ‘on point’ (NOT!!) that I could only find one pic of that night, and it just might’ve been the only one we took, I’m not entirely sure…. I’m telling y’all, I wish we had the internet and computers back then, my photos would be all indexed and organized…. but no, I have a complete mess of boxes and boxes of photos completely DISorganized…help!
Yay!! I finally found the other picture of Mike!! :)
We had been at Mike’s parents home for about a year now, and his parents were ready to move back home. Mike’s job was going well, so it was time to get our own apartment. We found a cute little one, close to family and close to our church.
That is a picture of our dining room, with the free furniture someone gave us. That’s pretty much how we furnished the whole apartment. We’d take just about anything for free! It wasn’t much but that didn’t matter to us. The only bummer was Mike still had a pretty long commute to work. But, he was really enjoying his job and it was providing the secure stable income we both wanted. Thank The Lord!
Our first year was incredible! We look back and laugh… remembering the adventures and the fun we had! Those small beginnings are what God used to solidify our marriage and teach us to trust in Him. We had The Lord center in our lives and we had each other. That was more than enough. Now the second year….the adventures were just beginning….
Oh! And if you want to read any of the other chapters in my life story, you can click the links below. :)
A Child of the 60s &70s
Life in Hawaii ~ Vacation Turned Staycation
The Jr. High Years ~The Good, Bad and The Ugly
High School ~ Flags, Driving and A Boyfriend
Trying To Figure Out Life
A Car Breakdown Can Be A Good Thing
A Whirlwind Romance And A Change Of Heart
Never The Same Again
Wedding Bells