This is one of the projects, that I wasn't even sure to share it... But it's such a cool, cheap and easy way to organize your spices!
I picked up these cooling racks at the Dollar Tree.
I'm going to be a bit transparent here.... don't judge me... This is the real deal...
Yep... that's my "spice/cooking" shelf. It was a jumbled crazy unorganized mess. Then one day, I just had it! I could no longer take the mess! I needed to get that shelf into shape. Pronto!
I hated searching for spices. I had duplicates (that I didn't know about). There were ones that kinda looked the same and I would use the wrong spice in a recipe. Yeah, that's not fun! Who likes cumin in chocolate chip cookies!! 😝
I wanted a spice rack that I wouldn't have to clean. I could have made one of those cute wooden ones, but they would eventually need to be cleaned and really... I'm just too lazy. So, I wanted a wire shelf, no cleaning! 😊 And more importantly, I didn't want to spend a boat load of $$ on one of those fancy smancy ones.
So, I kept searching through the Dollar Tree, just believing that I could find something there that would work. They had these little wire baskets, but they were too shallow and the spices would've just fallen out, because I wanted to mount them on the pantry door.
In my search, I found those cooling racks you use for cooling cookies, and made them into DIY Spice Racks! It only cost $3 for all of them!
I knew those cooling racks would work! Hubby didn't think they would, that while bending them, I would break the weld. But heck for $1 I'm willing to try it! And I'm happy to say that it worked! Yeah, a couple of the welds didn't hold, but they work just fine!
Here's how I did it.
Bend the little legs flat as possible.
It will look like this.
Then bend up the one side at the 4th wire. I used needle nose pliers to bend it.
Then skip one wire and bend the other side up.
I used this method for the smaller spice containers. The larger ones, I made them wider at the bottom by skipping 2 wires and then bending up the other side. It works great! You can see in the next picture.
Now the sides, aren't too fancy. I racked my brain trying to find a workable solution for the sides from twine to wire. I had this woven type of ribbon and just glued the ends together with my glue gun.
Hey, it works! And you can see how I put them on the pantry door. I measured and hung them with screws that had a large head on them. The little bent legs hang on the screws. After they were hung, I tightened the screw to hold in place. Pretty simple.
They don't bang around when I open the door and none have fallen. I can find all of my spices sooo easy and they are organized so I don't use the wrong one... 😉
2019 Update!! This year I updated this entire pantry! Including a bigger and better spice door. Check it out, The Best Spice Organizer.
