That is most certainly why I needed this!
So, January 1st, I stepped upon my trusty scale and lo and behold there it was... I had gained 7 lbs in one week. I mean I knew I had gained a few, but 7? Hmmm. During Thanksgiving week, I gained 5 lbs. I quickly lost that the following week. But this was different. Why? It's only 2 more pounds! I just felt like I had lost some control. I was not a happy camper.
Now if you know me, you might remember how I was quite a bit heavier at one point in my life. I worked very hard to get where I am today. I shared my story here when I did a Whole30 Challenge. Well, if you're interested here's the whole series. :)
I completed that challenge in 2013 about a year and a half ago. It revolutionized my eating habits, I truly do not eat the same way as I did before. But I had begun to include more and more sugary/carby foods here and there, and before I knew it, I'd find myself needing to "reset" with another Whole30. (Now, I just call it that because that's the name of the challenge. Sometimes I'd do it for a week or two or sometimes a whole month. It would just depend on how I felt at the time.) Once a sugar/carb addict, always a sugar/carb addict. I wish I could always eat them in moderation. It's definitely a struggle for me.
Anyway....Let's get back to the 7 lbs. For me it's not just about the 7 lbs, it's about feeling yucky too. My body just didn't have energy, basically I didn't feel great. Maybe I had a sugar hangover. Who knows.... I knew I needed another "reset". This time I wanted to do my own sorta detox.
The Whole30 Challenge eliminates all dairy, grain, sugar. Honestly, I didn't feel the need to be that restrictive. I basically wanted to just eat cleaner, healthier. So, this is my...
No sugary foods. No soda, not even diet soda. No grain. No cheese.
I have allowed a tiny bit of raw honey on my hot chia seed porridge. I also allow greek yogurt for my spinach smoothies. I'm also not too picky about condiments, there are small amounts of sugar, but I don't have them very much and I don't feel they send me into a sugar spiral.
I have enjoyed eggs, chicken, fish, tuna, turkey, pork, beef, fruit, nuts, and lots and lots of veggies! Have you ever tried spaghetti squash? If not, you should! I discovered it when I did the first challenge, but this has continued to one of our favorite dishes. Hubby loves it! Believe me, it does not disappoint!
I am at the end of week 2 and feeling much better already! Although, I just about died when my daughter made muddy buddies, but I survived with out having one morsel. Why does it always shock me that I can say, "No" to such sugary delights? I know I struggle, but I CAN say No!! I can chose to eat healthy good food. I have lost a total of 8 lbs so far. :) But for me it's not all about the weight, it's about feeling good and feeling strong and having energy.
I will finish this to the end of 30 days. The only time I'll be allowing any sweet is for my adorable grand niece's 3 year birthday party in North Carolina. I have a feeling there will be some sort of "Frozen" treat. Otherwise, I plan on packing lots of fresh fruit and veggies for the trip.