What an incredibly beautiful weekend!
I must start with yesterday's picture of the day.
Yep, I'm doing the photo-a-day thing again!
Gorgeous, right?
Hubby and I took a hike at a local lake near us. God's creation never ceases to amaze me!
(My) Fashion Over 40
Nothing new here, thats for sure!
In fact, this shirt is another one from my "bigger" days.
I altered it to fit, but this shows me, that if you pick classic pieces that you really love, they will stay in style for a long time. I've had that shirt for probably over 7 or 8 years (if not longer).
Black capris and cardigans, will never go out of style in my book.
And if you are having one of those days, where you are feeling like you need to hide a few extra that you've gained lately, anything black will instantly make you look slimmer. :)
Just a little tip!
Just a little tip!
Yesterday, our Pastor spoke on
1 Thessalonians 5:16-20 (NIV)
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good,
Now this is a series that Pastor has been sharing with us.
If you want to see what He's shared so far you can click on these links.
Being Joyful
Rekindle Your Spirit
Being Joyful
Rekindle Your Spirit
He explained some very important things we need to be aware of about prophecy.
I am no expert in this area, I am just writing what I gleaned from Sunday's service.
The scripture says we need to test all prophecies.
That means, it should first and foremost line up with The Word of God.
A prophet, must be hearing from God. To speak for God is not a small matter and that gift shouldn't be taken lightly.
A prophet should be committed to a fellowship, and have accountability.
A prophet should be living a Christian life.
And lastly what does the prophet believe about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and God the Son and always has been.
(There's more of course, but to make sure that they are a Christ follower is key.)
There were a few things to consider.
Prophecy can exhort, heal, fortell, encourage, or tell of wrongdoings, or tell you something no one else knew.
It's a message from God.
But it is never meant to manipulate, or control people. It's not fortune telling. Less than 1% of prophecy is fortelling.
The prophet is not to lord over people.
Jesus Christ is The Lord, not man.
Because of misuse or error, our pastor explained that the American church is shutting down the gifts of the Spirit because they are uncomfortable with them.
People are human and do make mistakes, that's a part of learning. As long as we have a teachable spirit and want God's best for our lives.
If we get a ticket driving because we made a mistake, it doesn't mean we stop driving. We need to listen to God and learn from our mistakes.
Some would rather have no fire than wild fire.... But then where is God's power? Where is growth in Him? His Presence, His Word, healings and miracles?
There should be order in the church, not chaos.
1 Corinthians 14:26 talks about order in worship.
We shouldn't have blind faith either, or have contempt,
we need to discern the good.
Check with the elders in the church.
Ask The Lord. Ask Him to confirm or show you what the message meant. The key is to listen. It may be something He has already been talking to you about.
Remember, The Lord is always faithful. He will never leave us.
He is in the business of encouraging and building us up.
Trust in Him.
I am truly thankful to our Pastor who always teaches us The Word of God.

I am no expert in this area, I am just writing what I gleaned from Sunday's service.
The scripture says we need to test all prophecies.
That means, it should first and foremost line up with The Word of God.
A prophet, must be hearing from God. To speak for God is not a small matter and that gift shouldn't be taken lightly.
A prophet should be committed to a fellowship, and have accountability.
A prophet should be living a Christian life.
And lastly what does the prophet believe about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and God the Son and always has been.
(There's more of course, but to make sure that they are a Christ follower is key.)
There were a few things to consider.
Prophecy can exhort, heal, fortell, encourage, or tell of wrongdoings, or tell you something no one else knew.
It's a message from God.
But it is never meant to manipulate, or control people. It's not fortune telling. Less than 1% of prophecy is fortelling.
The prophet is not to lord over people.
Jesus Christ is The Lord, not man.
Because of misuse or error, our pastor explained that the American church is shutting down the gifts of the Spirit because they are uncomfortable with them.
People are human and do make mistakes, that's a part of learning. As long as we have a teachable spirit and want God's best for our lives.
If we get a ticket driving because we made a mistake, it doesn't mean we stop driving. We need to listen to God and learn from our mistakes.
Some would rather have no fire than wild fire.... But then where is God's power? Where is growth in Him? His Presence, His Word, healings and miracles?
There should be order in the church, not chaos.
1 Corinthians 14:26 talks about order in worship.
We shouldn't have blind faith either, or have contempt,
we need to discern the good.
Check with the elders in the church.
Ask The Lord. Ask Him to confirm or show you what the message meant. The key is to listen. It may be something He has already been talking to you about.
Remember, The Lord is always faithful. He will never leave us.
He is in the business of encouraging and building us up.
Trust in Him.
I am truly thankful to our Pastor who always teaches us The Word of God.